Monday, November 11, 2013

The Writer's Summit !!!

I'm getting ready to plan the first writers summit.
It's not as easy as you would think.
Everybody involved in this project leads an otherwise busy and productive life and we have to schedule around that.
Plus, where the hell are we going to have this summit where we will all be able to get together and everyone will have a place to sit?
Don't think my roommates would be cool with having it here at the apartment.
But I'll be having the summit within the next 2 weeks.
I am very much trying to get some clips together for youtube in time for Xmas.
Also, anybody interested in sending video clips to us, we are accepting videos.
If we like what you send us, we'll post it on our youtube channel.
Hell, we might even include it in an episode of WTH.
Just send your video clip to
We assume no responsibility for an injuries that may occur should you choose to fill a video with random acts of jack-ass-ery.
I mean, we'll still watch the video, we just don't want to get sued if some idiot hurts themselves doing something dangerously hilarious !!!
Also coming soon to our youtube channel
( )
One of the characters from WTH, usually Prick, will have a hopefully humorous rant about whatever is pissing him off this week.